Pastors for Tennessee Children is a ministry that serves Tennessee neighborhood schools through prayer, service and advocacy. We support schools by initiating school assistance programs with local congregations, promoting social justice for children, and advancing legislation that puts the needs of Tennessee children, families and communities first.



Pastors for Tennessee Children believes that public education is a human right, a constitutional guarantee, and a central part of God’s plan for human flourishing. When this sacred trust and provision of God’s common good comes under attack by the forces of privatization and greed, we respond with prayer, service, and advocacy. We work for a day when all pastors, all faith leaders, and all people of faith and good will support free and fairly funded public schools for all of God’s children.  



Pastors for Tennessee Children is not just another education organization. We are an independent, interfaith ministry, not beholden to any special interest group, political party, or church office. We believe in local democracy, cooperation across lines of difference, and organizing to support public education opportunities for Tennessee children. We see prayer, direct service, and legislative advocacy as parts of an integral whole, not separate initiatives. We offer legislative and community service solutions that guard the values of all Tennesseans.



Pastors for Tennessee Children is rooted in Christian tradition, and we are open to all who share our vision of equitable public school funding. Our ministry seeks to answer the call of God by serving the children, principals, teachers, superintendents, and staff who make up our Tennessee public school community. Our faith is lived in acts of prayer, service, and advocacy that respect God’s good gifts of religious liberty and church-state separation.